Top 20 Anti-Aging Foods for Women

Our daily diets can significantly impact our fitness, appearance, quality of life and disease risk. This is because the human body depends on a variety of nutrients to support the natural ageing process. So adding nutrient-dense foods to your diet can help you look and feel your best as you age.

By The GlycanAge Team


  1. Particular foods can help you look and feel your best as you age. These foods include healthy sources of anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, vitamins and other beneficial properties. If you are unsure of how well your body is currently ageing, it is possible to take a GlycanAge biological age test.
  2. Some of the best anti-ageing foods to eat are avocados, dark chocolate, olive oil, pineapple, flax seeds, broccoli and turmeric. These anti-inflammatory foods are a crucial part of an anti-ageing diet as they can benefit your appearance by increasing blood flow to your skin.
  3. Vitamins A, C, E, and K are also a great choice.

Foods that make you look younger

Our daily diets can significantly impact our fitness, appearance, quality of life and disease risk. This is because the human body depends on a variety of nutrients to support the natural ageing process. So adding nutrient-dense foods to your diet can help you look and feel your best as you age.

We have listed our top 20 anti-ageing foods to help you on your journey to discovering how to slow down ageing. The foods below include anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, vitamins, and other beneficial anti-ageing properties. 

20 Best Anti-Ageing Foods For Women

A group of female friends enjoying brunch in a restaurant


Most of us realise that avocados are a great source of healthy fats as they are jam-packed with inflammation-fighting fatty acids, which help support the immune system. A 2021 study led by researcher Naiman Khan from the University of Illinois found avocados were more beneficial to female participants than male. An avocado a day over 12 weeks was shown to help redistribute fat and help lower belly fat levels.

Beans and lentils

These plant-based superfoods are loaded with essential amino acids, which improve your protein levels. As women age, protein requirements increase, making beans and lentils the perfect addition to an anti-ageing diet as they are full of disease-fighting fibre and phytochemicals.


These tiny berries make a fantastic antioxidant snack for women who want to improve their complexion. In addition to being one of the highest antioxidant foods, blueberries can also help protect against skin-damaging free radicals – such as sun exposure, pollution and stress. Blueberries are also a good source of vitamin C which has been seen to help prevent wrinkles.


This green vegetable is an anti-ageing powerhouse, packed with vitamins C and K, calcium, folate, lutein, fibre and antioxidants. Several studies, including the 2019 paper by the Friedman School of Nutrition at Tufts University in Boston, found that plant-based lutein is linked to supporting the cognitive performance of ageing eyes and brains. As we age, we all want to protect our eye health and brain function, making broccoli an excellent vegetable to include in your diet.

Dark chocolate

Unfortunately for those with a sweet tooth, milk and white chocolate are not included in an anti-ageing diet. Instead, it would be best to reach for the dark chocolate variety. These antioxidants can produce a powerful anti-inflammatory response which can increase the blood flow to your skin. In addition, flavanols also help absorb UV radiation, protecting your skin from sun damage.


As women enter perimenopause and menopause, oestrogen levels start to drop. This can have some severe consequences concerning bone health and the cardiovascular system. Soy foods, such as edamame, provide phytoestrogens, a food compound that is seen to help reduce bone loss and risk for heart disease.

Fatty fish

Salmon and other fatty fish are highly nutritious. They are packed full of omega-3 fats, which are great for fighting inflammation, heart disease and many other age-related conditions. They could also have anti-ageing benefits as research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids are linked to improving skin elasticity and hydration and can even help build a strong skin barrier to protect against UV light.

Flax seeds

The tiny seeds we sprinkle on salads, yoghurt and smoothies do much more than provide some much-needed fibre. They are also great for skin health as flax seeds contain antioxidants and lignans, which are great for helping prevent fine lines. In addition, the fatty acids also keep the skin moisturised and smooth. A 2019 paper published by the University of Manitoba in Canada found that flaxseed oil was great for women. They all had an improvement in skin properties following a 12-week study of flaxseed oil – including skin sensitivity, skin hydration, and less scaling and flaking.

Green tea

Packed full of powerful antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), green tea can help your skin fight against damage caused by UV rays. When you enjoy green tea as a comforting hot drink or apply it topically as an active skincare ingredient, it is a potent natural compound that can help fight against DNA damage and combat the signs of ageing. Some recent studies, such as those conducted in China and Japan, have shown promising signs that green tea could help fight against age-related diseases and improve mortality rates.


Mushrooms contain some unique and potential anti-ageing attributes which can not be found in plants or animals. One of the most common compounds found in mushrooms is beta-glucan polysaccharides – macromolecules rich in antioxidant and prebiotic properties. Various studies have indicated that some mushrooms could help women with their metabolic health, gut flora, cognitive functions and skin health.


A hand holding a hermetic glass pot with mixed nuts being tipped out

If you are looking for glowing skin, make sure you include nuts in your daily diet. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are exceptionally high in vitamin E, while almonds are great for reducing inflammation (which often causes the skin to look older prematurely). Walnuts are an excellent option for those who love a snack, as they are a great source of omega-3 and protein. As women age, their protein requirements go up, so start snacking on nuts. They make a terrific healthy alternative to crisps and other popular junk foods.

Rolled oats

Sadly, we are not giving you the green light to eat an entire pack of your favourite flapjack biscuits. Instead, we are talking about those bags of plain porridge you see in the supermarket. It is considered one the healthiest breakfasts you could eat, as rolled oats can help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of chronic illness and even regulate and reduce weight. Porridge also works as a great base for many other anti-ageing foods, including nuts, berries and flax seeds.

Olive oil

Most people know that the Mediterranean diet offers many potential anti-ageing benefits and is one of the main ingredients in olive oil. It is high in healthy fats, which include vitamin E, antioxidants and powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These can all help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If you are not a fan of this rich oil in your foods, you can always apply it directly to your skin and hair – olive oil is known to have fantastic moisturising properties.


Papayas contain lots of fibre, vitamins A and C, potassium and folate – all fantastic anti-ageing ingredients. They have also been found to contain a powerful enzyme called papain, known to support digestive health and traditionally used to help with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation. The papain enzyme is excellent at breaking down the proteins in the digestive tract so your body can more easily absorb nutrients. Women are more prone to experiencing digestive issues after the age of 65, so eating fruits like papaya can help them stay comfortable.


Another tasty tropical fruit that has some potential to help keep you looking young is pineapples. Pineapple comprises a powerful enzyme called bromelain, which is responsible for many of its potential anti-ageing benefits. Bromelain is understood to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. In addition, they also have lots of vitamin C and antioxidants, which boost your immunity and keep you energetic.


This beautiful exotic fruit is packed full of antioxidants, fibre, protein, vitamins C, K and E, potassium, manganese, and much more. Some potential anti-ageing benefits for women include reducing inflammation, boosting testosterone levels, improving sex drive, and muscle recovery.

Red bell peppers

When it comes to foods to look younger, red bell peppers are something you should always keep in your fridge. They are loaded with antioxidants which are fantastic for anti-ageing properties. In addition to their superior vitamin C content (great for collagen production), red bell peppers contain antioxidants called carotenoids. These antioxidants have shown promising signs of supporting eye health and cardiovascular health, which are issues women are prone to experiencing as they age.


It is not only a vibrant spice. Saffron is also a valuable ingredient for skin care due to its crocin content. Crocin is an active compound with potent antioxidant properties that could potentially reduce oxidative stress by neutralising free radicals. Saffron also has the potential to fight inflammation, reduce hyperpigmentation and support wound healing.

Sesame seeds

These little seeds are enjoyed in many of our favourite Asian meals and could also offer some anti-ageing properties. While they are well known for their antioxidant properties, some research also indicates that sesame seeds could trigger hair growth and even help with grey hair.


Research into turmeric, especially curcumin, shows that it may possess some incredibly strong antioxidant activity which may directly reduce skin ageing. This includes preventing moisture loss and protecting against wrinkles. In addition to its potential healthy skin-supporting properties, turmeric has also been found to be immune boosting and anti-inflammatory, all things women need in order to look and feel better.

Closing thoughts

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as foods that reverse ageing. However, when a longevity diet plan is combined with a healthy lifestyle, it can help you slow down your biological ageing.

One of the major factors that determine the true age of your body is inflammation, so including these anti-inflammatory foods in your diet is a great start. If you're interested in other ways you can support your longevity, you're in the right place.

For more information on how to measure and slow down your biological ageing, we highly recommend you take our Health quiz.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What should a woman eat every day?

Women should try to eat a variety of healthy foods from as many food groups as possible. These include vegetables, fruits, whole grains and healthy fats. As women age, their nutritional needs will vary, resulting in the need to introduce a greater variety at different stages of their lives.

Which fruit is rich in antioxidants?

There are many fruits rich in antioxidants, so you should be able to find a few which you like. The top list of antioxidant fruits includes blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and goji berries. These are all great additions to a woman’s anti-ageing diet. 

What can I drink to look younger?

There is no magical potion that you can drink to look younger. However, some beverages can help you age better, including water, green tea and red wine. Your skin and body will be grateful for keeping hydrated as it helps regulate your temperature (something which can be challenging during perimenopause), keep joints lubricated, and help deliver nutrients to your cells.

Which vitamin is best for anti-ageing?

The best anti-ageing vitamins are A, C, E, and K. These are all great for encouraging skin health and boosting the immune system and can be found in a range of foods, supplements and topical products. Be wary of supplements that make wild claims as they are likely too good to be true. Instead, introduce foods full of vitamins as part of a healthy lifestyle.

What foods should women not eat?

We should all be mindful that some food is better for us than others, but as a rule, it's good to stay away from ultra-processed food and sweets.

By The GlycanAge Team

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