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How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body Fast

What is the fastest way to reduce inflammation in the body? How do you stop inflammation fast? Click here to learn how to treat chronic inflammation.

By The GlycanAge Team
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A Comprehensive Overview of Blood Tests for Inflammatory Markers

What are inflammatory markers? What does it mean when your inflammatory markers are elevated? Discover the answers here.

By The GlycanAge Team
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The Ultimate Guide to the Different Inflammation Blood Tests

What are inflammatory markers? Hoping to learn about the different types of tests for inflammation? Check out this article to discover more!

By The GlycanAge Team
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Blood Tests for Chronic Inflammation – Explained

Hoping to learn how doctors test for chronic inflammation in the body? Unsure how the chronic inflammation blood tests work? Read this article to learn more!

By The GlycanAge Team
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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Blood Tests Explained

What is an FSH blood test? How to test FSH levels with a blood test? Click here to find out more.

By The GlycanAge Team
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What Can Low Back Pain Tell Us About Our Health – and How to Manage It?

Changes in glycans point to chronic inflammation as a possible long-term underlying cause of low back pain and fatigue, even if there is no injury to the tissue.

By Ph. D. Julija Jurić
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Conducting Your Own Self-experiment in Order to Improve Your Biological Age

Ageing, whilst wholly a natural process, isn’t necessarily something we would want to embrace. Advancing age is a risk factor for heart disease, declining metabolic function, certain cancers, and a myriad of other conditions of poor health.

By Jenna Macciochi
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How to Slow Down Skin Ageing?

Radiant, great-looking skin is often considered evidence of overall good health. Internal imbalances in sex hormones that happen with ageing can disrupt delicate harmony in the body and cause skin changes that seemingly give a person an older appearance. Hormone replacement with bioidentical hormones stands out as an effective way to prevent accelerated skin ageing.

By Ph. D. Julija Jurić
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Ageing With Different Clocks – What Do They Reveal About Our Health?

The pace of biological ageing is a crucial determinant of health but not all ageing clocks show the same.

By Ph. D. Julija Jurić
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Glycans and Autoimmune Disease

Can glycans play a role in predicting autoimmune diseases in their early stage of development?

By Jenna Macciochi
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