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Costa Rica Blue Zone: Insights From Centenarians

Discover the stories of centenarians from Costa Rica's (Nicoya) blue zone. Learn all about their lifestyles and remarkable GlycanAge test results!

By Vanja Maganjić
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Biological Age: The Ultimate Guide - GlycanAge

Learn everything about Biological Age; What it is, how it differs from chronological age, and ways to test and reverse it. Take control of your health today!

By Safia Ismael
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Biohacking: All You Need To Know About

Our biohacking guide covers everything, from the basics to real-life applications and practical tips and insights. Click and learn more!

By Vanja Maganjić
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Elevating your Diet: How to Target Key Vitamins and Minerals through Food

So you want to improve your nutritional profile, but you’ve found yourself overwhelmed with ads for supplements and their amazing health benefits. Yet, numerous essential vitamins and minerals are available in a balanced diet, you just need to know where to find them. Continue reading for an easy-to-navigate guide on key vitamins and minerals that are hiding in your pantry!

By Safia Ismael
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January Hurdles: Why Failing Your New Year’s Resolution is Just the Start, Not the End

It’s expected that some New Year’s resolutions will be challenging, but not impossible, to successfully achieve. If you feel like giving up on your resolutions, continue reading to learn the common pitfalls and solutions to New Year resolutions. Let’s make 2024 the year of sustainability!

By Safia Ismael
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Did You Know That HRT Has Anti-ageing Properties for Both Men and Women?

What is HRT, who can benefit from it and what role does it have in your health span? Find out in the article below.

By Vanja Maganjić
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From Fermented Foods to Fitness: How to Improve Your Gut Microbiome

Learn how to improve your gut microbiome for better health. From diet to lifestyle changes, this guide offers science-backed tips for good gut health.

By The GlycanAge Team
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The 12 Hallmarks of Ageing and Their Implications on Health

Explore the 12 hallmarks of ageing and stay updated with the latest breakthroughs in longevity research. Start your journey towards a healthier, longer life.

By The GlycanAge Team
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Optimal Diet for Health and Longevity: Uncovering the Fountain of Youth

Want to know the healthiest diet for longevity? What is the best diet for overall health? Click here to learn how to live longer and healthier.

By The GlycanAge Team
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Fasting for Longevity: Exploring the Best Methods for a Longer Life

Does fasting make you live longer? What are the benefits of prolonged fasting? Click here to discover how to do prolonged fasting for longevity.

By The GlycanAge Team
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