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Wellness Experts Share How Their Approach to Time Has Changed - and Their Favourite Moments in the Day

We spoke to five wellness experts about their favourite moments in the day and how their approach to time may have changed.

By Rosie Fitzmaurice
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10 Things That Are (Relatively Free) and Easy to Do to Support Your Immune System

With health concerns mounting over potential exposure to COVID-19 or risk of chronic inflammatory diseases, there is a lot of interest in supporting your immune system.

By Jenna Macciochi
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Ensuring Work Life Balance and Getting Over Covid-19

Christian Facey is the co-founder of successful tech scaleup AudioMob. We discussed how he builds his work-life balance and how losing his sense of smell led to him building healthier eating habits.

By Alisha Standing
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A Personal Trainer Wishes You Knew This

Sure, consistency is key when it comes to fitness. But this is why you should move your body differently, today

By Rose Heywood
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BBC Click, Hacking Your Health with GlycanAge

Can tech turn back time? BBC Click recently met with a community of biohackers who believe they can use data to stop ageing in its tracks and live on to well beyond 100.

By The GlycanAge Team
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What Can Blue Zones Teach Us About Ageing With Vigour, Vim and Vitality?

In these communities, people live longer and healthier lives than anywhere else. These are their 9 secrets

By Rose Heywood
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The Wellness Edit: Supplements to Supercharge Your Health

Feeling burnt out? Struggling to focus? Can’t sleep? These mind and body-bolstering supplements could help you to chart a healthier path...

By Harriet Charnock-Bates
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The Unlikely Causes of Fast Ageing

We all know the obvious lifestyle choices that can lead to fast ageing – from smoking to excessive drinking and unhealthy diets. But our bodies can also be affected by a number of choices we make with the best intentions. Here we list the most unlikely causes of fast ageing.

By Radhika Sanghani
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Life in Lockdown

Before 2020 and life in lockdown, Thomas Lillo was always on the go as assistant to entrepreneur and Net-A-Porter co-founder Carmen Busquets. His job involved frequent international travel, which, he was surprised to learn, was taking a toll on his biological age. We talked with Thomas about how he has used the last year’s lifestyle changes to improve his overall health.

By The GlycanAge Team
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Intuitive eating: the best diet is the one that feels right

When it comes to diets, there are endless options: paleo, keto, atkin’s, low carb, low fat, high protein and many more. It can be hard to know where to start, and which one will work for your body. But a new way of eating is helping people eschew all these diets in favour of the simplest of all: intuitive eating.

By Radhika Sanghani
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