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Life in Lockdown

Before 2020 and life in lockdown, Thomas Lillo was always on the go as assistant to entrepreneur and Net-A-Porter co-founder Carmen Busquets. His job involved frequent international travel, which, he was surprised to learn, was taking a toll on his biological age. We talked with Thomas about how he has used the last year’s lifestyle changes to improve his overall health.

By The GlycanAge Team
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Intuitive eating: the best diet is the one that feels right

When it comes to diets, there are endless options: paleo, keto, atkin’s, low carb, low fat, high protein and many more. It can be hard to know where to start, and which one will work for your body. But a new way of eating is helping people eschew all these diets in favour of the simplest of all: intuitive eating.

By Radhika Sanghani
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Ask the Experts: How to Maximise Your Productivity

It’s high time to prioritise performance, bid adieu to distractions and find motivation in method. Here’s how to ensure your working day is working for you…

By Harriet Charnock-Bates
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How do You Stop Feeling Stressed when Life is Stressful?

With stress levels so high, and this being such a known factor in determining your state of health, it's more important than ever to keep an eye on your biological age and to introduce measures to help you, your family and friends stay balanced at this unprecedented time.

By Radhika Sanghani
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Top 5 Trending Biohacks for Stress Management

Stress takes its toll in many ways - and its effect is compounding. Here are 5 biohacks to help you manage your stress.

By Brittany Ford
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Smoking - a ‘‘Killing Me Softly’’ Habit

The number of cigarettes smoked per day correlates with pro-inflammatory changes of glycans.

By Ana Cvetko
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Exercise in Moderation is Key to Improving Your Biological Age

Glycan profiles of these individuals that were training moderately were not changed in pro-inflammatory direction. They were, instead, changed in an anti-inflammatory manner meaning exercise benefited their bodies, as it should when done properly.

By Ana Cvetko
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