The Role of Glycans and Water in the Seasonality of COVID-19
Can ranges in temperature and humidity decrease or increase COVID-19 severity and mortality? Read the article to find out more.
Can ranges in temperature and humidity decrease or increase COVID-19 severity and mortality? Read the article to find out more.
Could hormone replacement therapy have an impact on your biological age? Read more about a recent study, addressing this question by analysing GlycanAge in 36 healthy premenopausal women.
Chronic kidney failure is one of the most common and debilitating complications of diabetes. Changes in glycosylation of immunoglobulin G (IgG) accompany biological agеing and regulates inflammation in diabetes – a process that participates in kidney function decline. A new study looks at the correlation between kidney function and IgG glycosylation.
IgE glycan composition and specifically sialylation is established as an important regulator of allergic disease.
Over 10 years of research on over 100,000 people condensed in 13 min presentation of Prof Gordan Lauc at the Longevity Leaders Virtual 2020. Check this video for introduction about glycans and their role in ageing and disease.
Glycans play an important role in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be overlooked when searching for ways to understand and control this new disease. Glycans might become a great biomarker tool to predict disease severity, response to therapy and recovery prognosis.
To learn more about the science behind the GlycanAge® biomarker of biological age and how does it compare to DNA methylation, check this 4 min video by Prof Gordan Lauc, founder of the Genos Glycoscience Research Institute and Director of the Human Glycome Project
A lecture by Professor Gordan Lauc, giving an overview of over a decade of research on more than 100 000 individuals which showed that IgG glycans are excellent biomarkers of ageing and age-related diseases.
Extensive weight loss can reduce our biological age and significantly decrease our chances of developing the severe form of COVID-19
Check out the instructions and the short demo on how to collect your blood sample at home or in the office
One of the key ways to fight any disease, which seems to have slipped our minds, is making our immune system stronger
The glycosylation machinery inside the cell’s factories requires the coordinated action of hundreds of different enzymes working together in perfect harmony. If even one of these enzymes is not working properly, that can be a big problem.