
From Fermented Foods to Fitness: How to Improve Your Gut Microbiome

Learn how to improve your gut microbiome for better health. From diet to lifestyle changes, this guide offers science-backed tips for good gut health.

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The 12 Hallmarks of Ageing and Their Implications on Health

Explore the 12 hallmarks of ageing and stay updated with the latest breakthroughs in longevity research. Start your journey towards a healthier, longer life.

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GlycanAge and Menopause: A Groundbreaking Intersection in Women's Health

Discover the revolutionary potential of GlycanAge in diagnosing menopause, empowering women to make informed decisions about their health.

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Optimal Diet for Health and Longevity: Uncovering the Fountain of Youth

Want to know the healthiest diet for longevity? What is the best diet for overall health? Click here to learn how to live longer and healthier.

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Fasting for Longevity: Exploring the Best Methods for a Longer Life

Does fasting make you live longer? What are the benefits of prolonged fasting? Click here to discover how to do prolonged fasting for longevity.

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16 Best Books on Longevity, Well-being and How to Age Gracefully

What are the best anti-ageing books? What are the best books about health? Click here to discover the secrets to longevity, according to experts.

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Does Red Meat Cause Inflammation?

Is red meat inflammatory? What does evidence state about meat and inflammation? Click here to find out if red meat is one of the worst foods for inflammation.

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Does Dairy Cause Inflammation In The Body?

Do dairy products cause inflammation? Is dairy bad for inflammation? Click here to find out if you can get inflammation from dairy.

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Does Coffee Cause Inflammation? Here’s What You Need To Know

Does coffee cause inflammation in the body? Does coffee reduce inflammation? Click here to find out how coffee and inflammation are linked.

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The Best Natural Anti-Inflammatory Vitamins And Supplements

What vitamins are good for inflammation? What is the best natural anti-inflammatory supplement? Click here to find out.

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What Are the 34 Symptoms of Perimenopause?

Discover the 34 symptoms of perimenopause and how they can affect your daily life. Stay informed and take proactive steps towards better health!

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My DNAge Biological Age Test Review: Is It Accurate? Should You Buy It?

Can My DNAge accurately predict my biological age? Should I buy a My DNAge biological age kit? Keep reading for a comprehensive review of My DNAge home test kit.

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TruAge Biological Age Test Review - Is It Worth Your Money?

Is the TruAge test an accurate predictor of biological age? Can TruAge predict your health and lifespan? Click here to discover if TruAge biological age test is with buying.

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LetsGetChecked Review: What You Need To Know Before You Buy

How accurate is LetsGetChecked? Are LetsGetChecked tests reliable? Read this LetsGetChecked review to find out.

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How To Check Your Fitness Age: Everything You Need To Know

What is my fitness age? How to calculate my fitness age with a fitness age test? Click here to discover more.

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The Best DNA (Genetic) Testing Kits for Health

What can a DNA health analysis tell me? Are DNA health test kits worth buying? Click here to find out which DNA tests are best for your health.

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5 23andMe Alternatives And Competitors Worth Knowing About

Searching for cheaper alternatives to 23andMe DNA tests? Want to find DNA tests similar to 23andMe kits? Click here for the best 23andMe alternatives.

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Signs of Early Menopause: Explained

Many women mistakenly think that menopause is something that only starts in their 50s when it can. In fact, it can happen at any time and for many different reasons. Most women's menopause age will be between 45 and 55, but it can sometimes take place earlier.

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Post Menopause: Symptoms, Signs & Treatments

Get insights on managing symptoms and risks in the postmenopausal stage. Empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate this phase of life!

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Top Different Types Of Blood Tests You Should Get To Catch Diseases Early On

Want to get a blood test to assess your health but not sure where to start? Keep reading to learn more about different blood tests you should get for optimal health.

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The Battle of Epigenetic Clocks: MyDNAge vs Thorne Biological Age Test

Is Thorne better than myDNAge? Which test should I choose to find out my biological age? Read our comparison of myDNAge and Thorne.

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Know Your Kits: The Difference Between TruAge and Elysium Index

Is Elysium Index better than TruAge? Which test should I choose to find out my biological age? Read our comparison of TruAge and Elysium Index.

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Hot Flashes And Menopause: Causes, Cures, And Quick Relief Methods

How to deal with hot flashes? Keep reading to discover handy hot flash remedies and effective treatments for hot flashes.

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Why Are My Breasts Getting Bigger After Menopause?

Why are my breasts getting bigger after menopause? What should I know about post-menopausal breast changes? Read on to learn about breast changes in menopause.

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A Healthy Lifestyle Guide To Lose Menopause Belly

What is a menopause belly? What causes menopause belly fat? Read our guide on how to lose menopause belly.

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Everything You Need To Know About Male Menopause Explained

Do men get menopause? How long does male menopause last? Read on to learn about hormonal changes in men as they age.

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Elysium Index Age Test Review - Is It A Good Investment?

Does the Elysium test actually tell you your age? Is Elysium Index accurate? Keep reading to find out if the Elysium age test is really worth buying.

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What Causes Premature and Early Menopause?

What are the signs of early menopause? Could you be experiencing early menopause symptoms? Find out if lifestyle choices are increasing the risks of early menopause.

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Best Supplements For Menopause Support

What are the best supplements for menopause? What vitamins are good for menopause? These are the best supplements to manage your menopausal symptoms.

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Review and Compare: How To Find The Best Biological Age Test For You

What is the best home testing kit to calculate biological age? Read on to learn how to choose different body age testing kits.

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Top 11 Biohacking Products - Devices & Supplements

What are the best biohacking supplements and devices? We have created a list of the best biohacking products on the market! Learn more!

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How Accurate Are Biological Age Tests?

What is the Horvath clock? Does epigenetic testing give precise results? Learn about how accurate biological age calculators really are.

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Bone Density Age Tests: Everything You Need To Know

A bone density test is used to assess bone quality to determine your risk of osteoporosis. Keep reading to learn more about taking a bone density test to determine age, how it works, who should get tested, and much more.

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Blood Test Kits For Diabetes Explained

A home diabetes test kit allows you to monitor your blood sugar levels and safeguard yourself from potentially severe health complications. This article takes an in-depth look at self-testing for diabetes with a blood test kit. Keep reading to learn more.

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Taking A Blood Test For Covid 19 At Home? Here’s What You Need To Know

A Covid-19 blood test allows you to check whether or not you have immunity to the virus and take necessary precautions if you don’t. This article thoroughly explores the at-home coronavirus blood test, including how it works, who should take a test, and where to get one.

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Iron Blood Test Kits Explained

Iron is an element found in the blood essential for making red blood cells to transport oxygen around the body. Having low levels of iron is a condition called ‘iron deficiency anaemia,’ which can often leave a person feeling chronically weak and tired due to the lack of oxygen reaching the various cells and tissues in the body.

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White Blood Cell Count Test: What You Need To Know

A white blood cell (WBC) test effectively determines if your blood falls within a healthy white cell count range. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of taking a WBC blood test, how it works, and where you can get tested.

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A Guide to At-Home Blood Ketone Tests

Therefore, routinely checking your blood ketone levels with an at-home ketone test is crucial to ensure your blood remains within a safe ketone range. Keep reading to learn more about how to test ketone levels at home.

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Blood Sugar Test Kits Explained: How They Work, Who They’re For, And More

A diabetes blood test kit lets you measure blood glucose levels to learn more about your condition and effectively manage your diabetes as you go about your day, especially in the early stages when the condition doesn’t produce symptoms. This article explores at-home diabetes test kits, including how they work, who should use them, and where to get a diabetes test kit.

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Identifying Blood Types: How To Test Your Blood Type At Home

If you’re curious about which blood group you belong to, keep reading to learn how to find out your blood type at home with a blood type test kit. We’ll explore how they work, why it’s important to know your blood type, and where to buy blood type tests.

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How To Test The Age Of Your Hearing At Home

Sound frequency hearing tests are an effective way to determine your true hearing age by measuring your ability to hear high-frequency sounds. Keep reading to learn about tests for hearing age, including how they work, what they reveal, and more.

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hCG Blood Test: At-Home Blood Pregnancy Test - Explained

Pregnancy tests check your urine or blood for raised hCG levels, which progressively increase in the first ten weeks after conception. While urine tests are a popular option, home hCG blood tests are more reliable in detecting smaller amounts of hCG to confirm pregnancy at the earliest possible date.

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Taking A Baby Gender Test At Home: What You Need To Know

Whether you want to celebrate your baby’s gender with loved ones, decorate your baby’s nursery early, start shopping for clothes, or simply feel more connected to your baby during pregnancy, a gender blood test kit can effectively help you determine your child’s gender. Keep reading to learn more about how home gender test kits work and where to purchase one.

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Why Does Hair Turn Grey And Can Grey Hair Be Reversed?

Grey hair is an inevitable and natural part of the ageing process, and while an increasing number of people are choosing to embrace their silvering locks, others would prefer to go back to a head full of the youthful hue they once had.

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Top Tips On How To Prevent Weight Gain During Menopause

If you've reached menopause and have been struggling with weight gain, it can affect your physical health and take a toll on your mental well-being. Menopausal symptoms are often debilitating and can last for several years.

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How Sex Might Change During Menopause and What You Can Do About It

For women, menopause is a time of transition. With the body going through so many changes, it's normal to feel frustrated or confused about how this will affect your sex life.

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Eat This, Not That: 30 Fantastic Anti-Ageing Foods

With the wide variety of products now available at local supermarkets, it can be easy to get lost down the aisle and start filling up your trolly with less-than-ideal foods.

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Top Tips For Slowing Down Ageing and Staying Younger for Longer

Although ageing is a natural process, you don't have to lie down and merely accept the signs of getting older as your body chronologically ages. You can do many things to slow the ageing process and keep yourself looking younger for longer.

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Biological Age vs Chronological Age - Explained

At the most superficial level, ageing is the process of getting older. For the majority of people, their age is the uncomplicated matter of the number of candles on their birthday cake. However, from a scientific perspective, age is more complex than this – it can also be defined as the progressive deterioration of the human body and the increase in mortality.

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NMN Supplement: Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage

Is NMN an anti-ageing supplement? What is NMN used for? Learn all about nicotinamide mononucleotide in our guide.

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Vitamin K2: The Secret To Anti-Ageing

Vitamin K2 is a weapon we should all have in our anti-ageing armoury. It is invaluable for blood clotting and an important vitamin for skin as it helps heal wounds, bruises and abrasions.

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Turning Back The Clock: Can You Reverse Ageing?

Ageing is a universal process where your physical fitness reduces over time. In addition to the visible signs like wrinkles and fine lines, getting older also increases the risk of age-related diseases – including neurodegeneration, heart disease and cancer.

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A Complete Guide to Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is the term used to describe a period in a woman’s life when she stops having periods. If a woman has gone 12 months without having a period, she’s usually considered to have entered menopause. The onset of menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years, as at this point, she is no longer able to conceive children.

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Anti-Aging Drinks Women and Men Should Be Sipping

If you have read any of our other articles, you will know by now that there is no way to pause the natural ageing process or magically turn back the clock. However, there are ways you can help give your body the nutrients and hydration it requires to look and function at its best, whatever your age.

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Premature Ageing Guide - All You Need to Know About First Signs of Ageing

Nobody likes the idea of getting older, but since there’s no way to escape ageing completely, most people are willing to settle for ageing gracefully, staying as healthy as possible, and looking younger than their years.

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More Than Tea: The Anti-Ageing Benefits of EGCG

For hundreds of years, we have heard about the potential benefits of drinking green tea. Green tea is made from a plant called Camellia Sinensis. The leaves and leaf buds are dried to make a variety of teas, including oolong and black teas.

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Glow From The Inside Out With Anti-Ageing Supplements

A growing number of skin anti-ageing supplements appear on the market – many promising to turn back the clock and give us a youthful glow. For many of us, it sounds too good to be true, and that is because it is likely the case.

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Top 20 Anti-Aging Foods for Women

Our daily diets can significantly impact our fitness, appearance, quality of life and disease risk. This is because the human body depends on a variety of nutrients to support the natural ageing process. So adding nutrient-dense foods to your diet can help you look and feel your best as you age.

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What to Expect from a Menopause Lab Test

Menopause is a natural part of ageing and happens when a woman stops having her period, usually between the ages of 45 and 55.

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Resveratrol Anti-Ageing Benefits: Fad or Fact?

If you’re interested in longevity, biohacking, and science-based health and wellness practices, you’ve most likely heard of resveratrol before. Resveratrol is one of the most hyped-up anti-ageing supplements available on the market today, and many people take it daily in the hopes of improving their health and increasing their lifespan.

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Could CoQ10 Be The Secret Weapon for Younger Looking Skin?

We are constantly seeking new methods to make our skin look firmer, healthier and generally younger. Numerous products on the market claim to boost cell turnover rate and improve the skin’s elasticity and firmness – and one such skincare ingredient is Coenzyme Q10. It is not a new ingredient, as the Japanese beauty industry has used it for years as part of their skincare routines.

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Anti-Ageing Therapy: The Pros and Cons of Metformin

When a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cannot control their blood sugar level through diet and exercise, one of the first medications prescribed is metformin. Apart from taking metformin for diabetes, this wonder drug is also known to lower inflammation and help protect the heart. In addition, some evidence shows that metformin benefits may include helping to fight the effects of ageing and increasing lifespan.

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The Complete Menopause Diet Guide

Menopause is the natural transition of the time menstrual cycles end. It is confirmed once 12 months have passed since your last period. However, the transition and symptoms connected with menopause can have a detrimental effect on daily life and can last for several years.

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Body MOT: How to Get a Full Health Check

Health screening can be incredibly beneficial and come with a range of advantages. These full body checks can help detect problems before they become a significant issue and can enable you to make a better-informed decision about your overall health.

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The Signs Perimenopause is Ending

What are the first signs of perimenopause? What are the signs perimenopause is ending? Learn how long you can expect perimenopause to last before entering the next stage of menopause.

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Discover the Anti-Ageing Properties of Curcumin

Curcumin is showing promising signs of being a fantastic anti-ageing compound. Discover all curcumin has to offer and how you can add it to your wellness routine.

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A Natural Guide to Looking and Feeling Younger

Ageing is inevitable but this does not mean the end of an active and happy lifestyle. Discover the natural guide to looking and feeling younger in your mature years.

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Uncovering the Unexpected Anti-Aging Benefits of Vitamin D3

Having sufficient vitamin D levels in our system is crucial to supporting a healthy lifestyle in our old years. Learn about some of the unexpected anti-ageing benefits of vitamin D3.

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The Anti-Ageing Diet: Foods to Help Slow Down the Ageing Process

There are some superfoods which could help slow down the ageing process. Learn which foods you should be putting on your plate and those best to avoid to keep the wrinkles at bay.

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Starting Young: What Age Can You Expect Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a natural phase for women in their 40s however some can experience symptoms in their mid-30s. Learn about the signs of perimenopause, how you can manage symptoms, and the factors which may cause an early onset.

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Davinia Taylor - A Road to Health

Actress, mum-of-four, and enthusiastic biohacker Davinia Taylor took time out of her busy schedule – on the back of her book release – to chat with us about her favourite biohacks, how she got started on her wellness journey and how leveling out her hormones has improved her mood.

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BBC Click, Hacking Your Health with GlycanAge

Can tech turn back time? BBC Click recently met with a community of biohackers who believe they can use data to stop ageing in its tracks and live on to well beyond 100.

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Biohacker Tim Gray on His Health Optimisation Mindset — Part Two

Last week we covered the origins of Tim Gray’s biohacking journey and his thoughts on tracking your health data to optimise your performance. We’re back to talk about how important sleep is really, which bits of biohacking work best for families and Tim’s personal favourite hacks.

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Biohacker Tim Gray on His Health Optimisation Mindset — Part One

Tim Gray is founder of The Health Optimisation Summit and one of the UK’s leading biohackers. Peak wellness performance wasn’t always a part of his story though; years ago Tim found himself in and out of doctor’s offices and running on empty with no answers.

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Life in Lockdown

Before 2020 and life in lockdown, Thomas Lillo was always on the go as assistant to entrepreneur and Net-A-Porter co-founder Carmen Busquets. His job involved frequent international travel, which, he was surprised to learn, was taking a toll on his biological age. We talked with Thomas about how he has used the last year’s lifestyle changes to improve his overall health.

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